KingdomsSky - Projects - Morrow

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January 4th, 2024

A rough draft of splash art for Morrow

The first rough draft for Morrow. The idea is to have the camera perspective be of someone Morrow is chocking and lifitng up with one arm, and have them looking down at Morrow. I also gave Morrow a more crazy face because we could always use more wildly evil women in the world.


November 20th, 2023

A drawing of my own Orignal League of Legends champion, Morrow.

This is a first drawing I did for this project where I try to make my own League of Legends champion. I wanted to adapt my old Original Character, "Annie Morrow", into the universe of League and Runterra so I had to rewrite her story and figure out where in the world she would be. After looking at all the locations, Bilgewater seemed like the perfect fit. But I also wanted to create a story of split personalities, so I also gave her a Darkin Weapon, something that is only used in 4 League Champions.I also changed her name down to just "Morrow" since Annie is already a named Champion in the game

November 23rd, 2023

A rough draft of a full body sketch of Morrow

The first rough draft that I did for Morrow's design. I wanted a pirate/mercenary design for her. I also planned out lore for her as a character, where she grew up in poverty in Bilgewater with her mother, and when she turned 16, she set out to try and make a name for herself and get silver and gold so she can get a place for her and her mother to survive. Upon her starting to get more money, she started getting more attention to her, therefore she started getting put up on bounty boards. When Morrow found out that people are hunting her for her bounty, she tried to find ways to gain more power to make sure she survives long enough to provide for her mother. But she found something that has been forgotten for generations upon generations, a darkin weapon. Upon weilding the weapon (name for weapon still figureing out) her body became corrupted as the warrior that was trapped in the weapon took over her body.

November 30th, 2023 and December 14th, 2023

A rough draft of a full body sketch of Morrow A rough draft of a full body sketch of Morrow

These are two progress pictures showing first when I got the base colors on Morrow with an updated design to the crystals spiking out of her skin. The idea with the crystals color scheme is the darker the part, the harder and more straight it is, and the lighter the part, the more breakable parts and more movable it gets. That's why for all of the spikey parts of it, it moves from dark to light as it to a point. Also with the second update I heavily improved her hair and skin tones giving it more definition and varying colors to make it pop more. I also updated some of the folds on Morrow's dress to try and give it more volume, but I still need to work on it more and improve it.

December 20th, 2023

A rough draft of a full body sketch of Morrow A rough draft of a full body sketch of Morrow

Here is the progress checkpoint that I am at in the current point. I added more details all around and made her weapon. The next things I am going to do is create an ability sheet for Morrow and then make splash art for her. And then I can maybe do some skin concepts and other drawings.


December 26th, 2023

a drawing of Morrow and Her ablilities

Here is where I expanded the canvas to include ability art! I designed the thumbnail versions of the abilities and also wrote out a little bit about what I invisioned what each ability would roughly do.




Passive – Mirak the Forgotten – Morrow is joined by Mirak as her weapon, Morrow can let Mirak take over to provide unimaginable powers. Whenever Morrow strikes an enemy champion with an attack or damaging ability, it adds a 2% MAX HEALTH PLYSICAL DAMAGE BURN to that enemy that lasts for 3 seconds (Can be refreshed with more damage).
Q – Blast from the Soul – CHANNEL: Morrow lets Mirak face a direction and charge for 5 seconds, dealing more damage based on how long the charge was held for (Scales with AD). (Applies Passive but not on-hit effects)
W – Heart of Malachite – PASSIVE: Morrow heals 50%* Damage done by her passive (Mirak the Forgotten)(*Scales with AP*). Even more, if an enemy champion dies while having Morrow’s passive applied to them, Morrow restores (2%->10%) of killed enemies MAX HEALTH (Any healing past Morrow’s max health is applied as a shield up to 2% of Morrow’s Max Health).
E – COUNTER! – Morrow goes into a defensive stance for 1 second and becomes UNSTOPABLE, if Morrow is attacked or hit with a damaging ability within 600 units of her during that time, Morrow will nullify the attack/ability and dash behind that enemy champion and delivers a stunning blow for (0.75->2) Second(s). If the attack/ability came from beyond 600 units, Morrow will only dodge the ability and not move. (Stunning blow applies on-hit effects)
R – Untapped Power – Morrow calls upon Mirak to take control, Morrow breaks out of any CC she is in transforms, causing her Passive to deal (3%, 4%, 6%) damage instead, heals 5% missing health per champion currently affected by passive and an extra 5% max health if she was stunned when this ability was pressed. While transformed, Morrow deals (10%, 15%, 20%) of her damage as TRUE DAMAGE including damage done by her Passive. She stays transformed for 10 seconds.